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Our long standing research experience in separation science (chromatography, one- and two dimensional; electrophoresis) and mass spectrometry (ionization methods, ion sources, and mass analyzers) may be of benefit to you.




Our long standing research experience in separation science (chromatography, one- and two dimensional; electrophoresis) and mass spectrometry (ionization methods, ion sources, and mass analyzers) may be of benefit to you.


We are familiar with the latest developments in API MS.


Ask us for the most suitable instrument or the most appropriate approach for your application and we will do our best to provide you with up-to date information packages.



iGenTraX offers seminars (one or two days) about following topics:


-   Mass spectrometry in theory  
    and practice, from vacuum to
    AP applications


-   Comprehensive two-
    dimensional chromatography
    (GCxGC and LCxLC) in
    theory and practice


-   Capillary electrophoresis in
    theory and practice The target
    audience is from the chemical
    and pharmaceutical industry.



iGenTraX offers


-   the development of new
    applications with chromatographic
    or electrophoretic separation
    modes and various detectors
    (UV/VIS, DAD, FL, FID, MS)


-   short-time research projects (6
    months) in the field of physical or
    analytical chemistry (Master thesis)


-   long-time research projects (3 years
    and more) in the field of physical or
    analytical chemistry (doctorate)

© iGenTraX UG 2023

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